Violin by San-ha Park Los Angeles 2021
Violin by San-ha Park Los Angeles 2021
San-Ha Park came to the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as an accomplished guitar maker fascinated with the violin world. His diverse artistic background, woodworking knowledge, and effusive personality greatly contribute to the LAVS workshop environment. San’s understanding and internalization of the arts can be seen within his unique craftsmanship and overall finish of his instruments. He crafts acoustic and electric guitars by commission, and is working on producing competition-grade violins and violas. .
San has won multiple awards for his craftsmanship from Violin Makers Association of Arizona International:
2021 Gold Medal in Violin Tone for Gut String Violins
2021 Silver Medal in Overall Points for Gut String Violins
2021 The Bob Wallace Award for Best in Violin Tone